Berikut ini tata cara dan do'a aqiqah, yang bisa kita pelajari untuk diamalkan. Semua perbaatan tergantung niat, maka sebelum beibadah, tentunya harus niat dan mengetahui do'a-do'anya (do'a aqiqah). Dengan berdo'a dan dengan tata cara (urutan aqiqah yang baik, maka pelaksanaan akan lebih cepat dan sederhana.
Tata cara dan Do'a Aqiqah : 1. diawali membaca Basmalah 2. Membaca sholawat atas Nabi SAW 3. Membaca Takbir 4. Membaca Do'a Aqiqah : “Bismillahir rohmaanir rahiim Allahumma minka wa ilayka aqiiqotu fulaanin fa taqobbal minnii” (Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang, Ya Allah dari Engkau dan untuk Engkau aqiqah fulan (sebutkan nama anak yang diaqiqahi) ini aku persembahkan, maka terimalah dariku). 5. Kambing disembelih sendiri oleh ayah dari yang diaqiqahkan. 6. Daging dibagikan kepada fakir miskin dan tetangga dalam keadaan sudah dimasak dahulu. 7. Pada hari itu anak diberi nama dan bersedekah dengan jumlah seberat rambut bayi yang baru dicukur, bernilai 1/2 atau 1 dirham. Sebagian ulama' berpendapat seberat timbangan rambut bayi dengan nilai emas/perak.
Nabi SAW bersada : Dari Ali bin Abi Thalib ia berkata, Rasulullah SAW telah mengaqiqahkan Hasan dengan seekor kambing, maka Nabi bersabda : “Hai Fathimah, cukurlah rambutnya, bersedekahlah dengan perak seberat rambutnya.” Kemudian Ali berkata lagi : Fathimah kemudian menimbangnya satu dirham atau 1/2 dirham. (HR. At-Turmudzi).
Kambing adalah binatang para Nabi, Setiap Nabi adalah pengembala kambing. Satu-satunya kandang yang bisa untuk sholat adalah kandang kambing. Subhanallah....sungguh kambing ini istimewa dalam Islam. Ibnu Qoyyim menulis bahwa daging kambing bisa menguatkan syahwat 100x lipat.
KETTLER Fitness Equipment and Accessories are controlled high quality fitness and gym equipments from Germany. The KETTLER brand universally stands for quality of life, symbolise style and
durability in fitness arena. Its innovative fitness products and
ambitious design contribute to fitness and well-being of every fitness
enthusiast of all age groups, filling them with great and everlasting
euthusiasm. Futhermore, KETTLER covers a wide range
of top rated fitness equipments such as cross trainers, rowing
machines, exercise bikes, treadmills, home gym and lot more fitness
equipments. In fact, you can expect everything from a product of
Germany, you can confidently buy by knowing that you will be safely and
leisurely enjoying its fitness equipment in many years to come. Thus
making theKETTLER, a leading household brand name in home fitness equipments not only in Germany and Europe, but worldwide.
However, KETTLER have been in Malaysia market for more than 18 years under the sole distributorship of Trend Masters Sdn Bhd, site owner of FitnessEquipment.Com.My,
managed by its experienced and dedicated fitness specialists in
consultation, sales and reliable after sale services assuring all its'
customers full satisfaction and confidence in KETTLER products and Trend Master's services!
information, Trend Masters Sdn Bhd is one of the subsidiaries of an
International Groups of Companies under the name MTA Holdings Pte Ltd in
Singapore having and operating KETTLER chain stores in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Indonesia.KETTLER products are available in Malaysia at KETTLER Boutiques, major shopping malls, departmental stores and leading pro sport shops.
Auch in diesem Jahr starten wir mit unserem Fitness Guide in die neue Saison. Handlich, informativ, attraktiv! Der
bereits zur Referenz im fitnessorientierten Sportfachhandel gewordene
KETTLER Sports Katalog punktet wieder mit kompakter Produktberatung und
ansprechender Präsentation. Er bietet Ihnen alle relevanten
Informationen und technische Daten als Vorinformation und
Entscheidungshilfe. Wir machen Lust auf Fitness und wecken Vorfreude auf faszinierende Produkte.
Alle Kettler Fitness Accessoires überzeugen durch geprüfte
Produktqualität und ergonomisches Design nach modernsten
sportwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen.
Tischtennis 2013
Als Hersteller hochqualitativer Outdoor- und Indoor-TT-Tische verfügt
KETTLER über ein jahrzehntelanges Knowhow. Innovative Technologien und
hochwertige Materialien sowie regelmäßige Qualitätskontrollen
unterstreichen das Markenzeichen "Made in Germany".
"Classic Bass" CB series bass pickups are passive designs featuring an
extended and more resonant frequency range. They have far more "air" and
definition at the top without sacrificing lows and low mids. They are cast in
epoxy to remove unwanted feedback and micro-phonics. They are available as dual
coil humbuckers in the wider soapbar shapes and, as single coils or as in-line
hum canceling dual coils in the narrower shapes. CNC machined blades on all of
the 4 string bass pickups allow them to cover string widths from
50mm to 59mm on medium curvature fingerboards with excellent string balance.
Hum-Cancelling Dual Coil Pickups - Deep Tone :
P-J* Bass Pickups available in Black Shells only 8CBP + 9CBJD1-L -vintage tone Neck and deep split coil Bridge 8CBP + 9CBJD3-L -vintage tone Neck and bright split coil Bridge