Features :Eledicss is a CSS2 editor (GPL licensed) implemented as a server-side PHP script. It allows editing CSS files using a web browser.
It can be installed both on UNIX and Windows webservers. It was tested on PHP 4.1.2 on server side, and Mozilla 1.0 on client side. Eledicss should safetly work on all PHP 4.X versions.
Download: ELEDO Download Page.
Eledicss is a CSS2 editor (GPL licensed) implemented as a server-side PHP script. It allows editing CSS files using a web browser.
It can be installed both on UNIX and Windows webservers. It was tested on PHP 4.1.2 on server side, and Mozilla 1.0 on client side. Eledicss should safetly work on all PHP 4.X versions.
Go there and click "Download".
Untar the downloaded tgz and copy the "eledicss.php" file to the place where you want to use it in your DocumentRoot tree.
If you want to directly change the css files (online), they must be writable by the webserver.
Important Note : Eledicss allows you to navigate through the directories of your webserver. This could be a security flaw, so when installing to a production server, put it in a password protected directory (see the example on an Apache webserver at the end of this documentation).
Open a web browser, and point it to the URL where eledicss was installed :
Installation : an example
You are on an Apache webserver whose DocumentRoot is <DOCUMENTROOT>. The tar file was downloaded into /tmp.
$ cd /tmp
$ tar xzvf eledicss.XX.tgz
$ mkdir eledicss
$ cd eledicss
$ cp /tmp/eledicss/eledicss.php .
Then protect your eledicss directory with a password :
$ cd <DOCUMENTROOT>/eledicss
$ cat .htaccess
AuthType Basic
AuthName "eledicss"
AuthUserFile <DOCUMENTROOT>/eledicss/.htpasswds
Require valid-user
$ htpasswd -c .htpasswds eledicss_user
To make your CSS writable by your www-data web server (example) :
$ chown -R :www-data *.css
$ chmod -R g+rw *.css
Debug the script
A debug version of eledicss can be downloaded from the CVS. This version contains all debug code which will allow you to trace the parsing of the CSS when it is called. All operations are logged into a debug file. To generate a non-debug version of the script, use the makeprod.sh script (also in CVS).
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